Fully Funded Solar
Adopt solar energy to save money
Benefit from reduced energy costs with NO financial outlay!
And use your capital where it is needed elsewhere
Capital Free via PPA
CC SOLAR have partnered with Zestec Asset Management to offer these exciting opportunities for business’s across the south coast.
Our capital free option allows you to utilise your roof space to benefit from reduced energy costs without any financial outlay. Through Zestec’s Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), you receive the benefits of solar a PV solution on an ‘all inclusive’ basis, covering purchase, installation and ongoing operational monitoring and maintenance.
We simply enter into an agreement to lease the air space above your roof and you receive significantly reduced energy costs, along with the ability to deploy your capital for other business needs.
This funded approach also negates the significant tax increases in business rates now being levied against companies who own their solar installation; with a PPA these rates do not apply as the system is not owned by the business, but by our investors.
Capital Expenditure
Zestec also helps clients who are seeking to purchase a solar PV system outright deploying their own capital, applying the same quality approach and rigour as we do to our own assets deployed via a PPA.
A capital purchase option accelerates the return on investment over a fully funded system, but does attract two other ancillary challenges:
An increase in business rates. (This does not apply to the PPA solution, as the business does not ‘own’ the asset).
The ongoing monitoring, maintenance and management of the asset.