Unit C2
Modern Moulds Business Centre
Harwood Road
West Sussex BN17 7AU

Expert Solar PV and Battery Storage Solutions for your home and business

Solar Street Lighting

Professional, commercial grade solar street, car park and area lights with CCTV option

It is mostly agreed that to curb global warming, a variety of measures need to be taken on a personal level and on Government level to reduce the “carbon footprint”— the amount of carbon dioxide a person is responsible for putting into the atmosphere. Governments are taking measures to limit emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in order to combat climate change.

Here at CC Solar cutting carbon dioxide emissions and other pollution is just as important as making savings due to wasted energy. We firmly believe that solar micro generation with high efficiency LED luminaires with battery storage is the future of outdoor lighting across the world.

When economic times are tough Governments make painful cuts, like trimming public services, but there are alternatives that can generate significant, long-term savings while also allowing for upgrades and improvements to existing services. One that’s growing in popularity across the world is the use of energy-saving solar powered LED lamps as replacements for outdated energy-draining streetlights.

Spiralling energy costs, squeezed budgets, punishing carbon taxes, inefficient legacy lighting systems, these are just a few of the major issues affecting street lighting professionals in the UK today.

And as if that wasn’t bad enough many forecasters are now predicting power blackouts by 2021 as aging dirty power stations are closed to meet government emission targets.Running outdoor lighting systems is a major headache today and is often seen as an easy target for legislators under ever increasing pressure to cut costs as the austerity program bites even deeper. In spite of these challenges lighting professionals are still expected to keep our streets well lit and safe, so how do you do that?

Lighting systems from CC Solar provide a safe, stable, clean, and green street lighting solution. We have fully integrated solutions composed of solar PV modules, deep cycle batteries, intelligent system controller and a high efficiency LED luminaire. Our street lighting system generate it’s own power, can be totally off grid totally, cost free and without damaging Carbon Dioxide emissions.

At CC Solar we are committed to offering you the highest levels of service possible to make the transition from conventional to wind and solar power simple and easy journey. We offer design, technical help, support, guidance, intelligent advice and professional project management from feasibility study right through to installation and beyond.

The benefits of solar powered street lighting

• Long lasting

• Energy saving

• Superior lighting

• Low maintenance

• Weather proof

I would like to know more about Solar Street Lighting, please call me back.
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